For a long time now, my most nostalgic fans have asked me to upload the CD´s of these wonderful educational games that made history in Venezuela and placed my studio as the pioneer of video game development in 1995. I leave you the backups in ISO format of the originals so that they can enjoy them and even if they have preschool children they are still valid to educate them in a fun way.


«Las Aventuras de Umi» is an Educational App that allows parents to use their Android smartphones, tablets or PC´s so that their young children learn by playing, it has spanish and mathematics content evaluated by educators and that are aimed at children aged 3 to 8 years. All the designs of Umi and her friends are friendly and the interfaces are very easy to use so that the little ones can handle the content very easily and comfortably.

It is perfect so that children who do not speak Spanish can learn it and use it as a complementary tool for Spanish courses for children.


«Las Aventuras de Umi» is a compendium of selected parts of the content of the famous educational series Umi that was very successful in the 90’s in Venezuela, Umi became the best-selling learning software in Latin America with hundreds of thousands of units. It had 5 editions between 1996 and 2001, The Adventures of Umi, Umi in the world of numbers, Umi in the world of letters, Umi 4 Games and Umi back to the world of letters. All this content was for PC but we know that nowadays young children have more access to their parents’ cell phones than to their computers, that is why the intention of placing the App within their reach.


  • Geometric figures..
  • Classification.
  • Sets.
  • Numeration.
  • Selection and grouping.
  • Operations, addition and subtraction.
  • Start reading.
  • Hyphenation.
  • Orthography.
  • Punctuation marks.
  • Synonyms and antonyms.
  • Descriptive words.
  • Singular and plural.
  • Male and female gender.


Because it is such an old game, it is best to install and play it in a virtual machine with Windows XP with the INDEO 5 drivers that you can download here as well. In my case, I did it with the Oracle VirtualBox with 1GB of RAM and 10GB of disk, more than enough to fully run the game.

Las Aventuras de Umi Mobile y PC versions original(

por KabutoCoder

Senior Game Designer | Business Manager | B2B & B2C Management | EGTAIR Brand Owner

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