Hello, my dear followers!

For some time now I needed to unify on my own website everything related to my world as a video game developer and also give meaning to my figure in networks.

Everyone in the underworld of programming and retro knows me as «Kabuto» and although my studio «Mediatech» was actively a company between 1995 and 2005 in Venezuela, the truth is that it is now an indie studio that protects my Most famous iP «The Adventures of Umi» and all its characters created in the 90’s.

Therefore I made the decision to use my internet nickname as my personal label, it will be easier for my followers to get the name «KabutoCoder» than the name of the studio and from now on both in my games and in the networks I will sign with that stage name.

I take this opportunity to thank my dear Commodorian friend Pedro Urán for giving me the final advice to take the step and encouraging me to create this site where you will get all the information about my developments and my stories.


Welcome to the KabutoCoders site and feel free to write in my blog posts!👾🕹️

por KabutoCoder

Senior Game Designer | Business Manager | B2B & B2C Management | EGTAIR Brand Owner

2 comentario en “Hello, my dear followers!♥️”
  1. Congratulations for your new website my dear Kabuto. I wish you the best for your new projects and developments.

    I will also be very attentive to the updates of your new AT64 APP, which I know is having very good acceptance among the retro community.

    A hug

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